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Every year, companies as varied as oil and gas, tech, and banking spend hundreds of millions of dollars in lobbying to block or delay federal and state regulations designed to avert the climate crisis. They do this through their direct lobbying, as well as through support of and leadership in various trade associations and policy-focused nonprofits. Increasingly, companies also advocate against climate progress and policy through highly targeted and widespread social media persuasion.

Our Theory of Change

Companies that lobby against climate policy are engaging in short-sighted behavior which heightens their risk of significant expense once governments “catch up” with needed climate policies. Delaying action only exacerbates the climate crisis, increasing negative impacts as well as the cost for everyone of addressing the problem.

The Business Case for Action

To stay below a 1.5° C temperature rise, we will need strong market signals to reduce emissions and incentivize a shift to a clean energy economy. Mixed or negative signals coming directly from companies or their trade groups only add to the systemic risks investors, companies, and societies face from a lack of policy certainty.

Current Initiatives:

Through a combination of dialogue and the filing shareholder resolutions, ICCR’s members are pressing a broad range of companies to adopt a Paris-aligned climate lobbying framework.

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December 14, 2021
The 2022 Amazon Proposals Blog Advancing Worker Justice Climate Change and Environmental Justice Climate Lobbying Digital Rights and AI Accountability Freedom of Association Paid Sick Leave Worker Health & Safety

Our Impact

See how ICCR members are moving companies to ensure their lobbying activities are aligned with the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

21 companies

On our focus list have issued climate lobbying reports (full or partial) after ICCR member engagement. Two additional companies are in the process of publishing broader reports

3 tech companies

On our focus list came out publicly during the summer of 2023 supporting at least one of the two major climate bills in CA that recently passed—SB 253 or SB 261

All 3 railroads

Engaged by our members have produced climate lobbying reports since 2021—CSX, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific

5 resolutions

Filed by our members requesting lobbying practices in alignment with Paris climate goals achieved majority support since 2021