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ICCR provides institutional investors with multiple opportunities throughout the year to enhance their capacity to engage on ESG issues.

Upcoming ICCR Member Conferences

2024 Fall Conference: Week of September 16th (NYC)


Bi-Annual ICCR Member Conferences

The full ICCR membership convenes two times annually for four days of meetings to learn from subject matter experts on a range of critical ESG concerns, and to share insights on enhancing impact and strategy-setting, all with an eye towards improving corporate performance. These conferences provide a unique forum in which like-minded investors convene and find support for their advocacy initiatives.

Among the sessions at our most recent conference in March of 2024 were “Corporate Responsibility in a Fragile Democracy”, “Making the Downstream Case for Upstream Prevention: Respecting the Human Right to Health”,  “Strategies for Investors to Champion Good Jobs”, and “Centering Racial Justice Investing: Where Do We Go From Here”.

The fall meetings culminate in our annual Special Event bringing together thought leaders from the worlds of faith, business, academia and civil society for a thoughtful discussion of the future of our work—followed by an evening of celebration.

ICCR Issue Working Group Calls

Members participate in monthly ICCR working group calls on priority issue areas through which staff and members facilitate and coordinate shareholder engagement strategies.


Educational Webinars

ICCR also hosts a series of webinars for the general public, including “How Shareholders Can Champion Leading Practices To Drive 1.5°C Policy Action”, “Demystifying Pharmaceutical Innovation and Access for Investors”, and “Building the Vote: Challenges and Opportunities”.