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Looking out over Wall Street

Investors can be connected to human rights and environmental risks through the business activities of portfolio companies. In response, authoritative global standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the recently updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises established that all companies, including investors, have a responsibility to respect human rights and undertake human rights due diligence throughout their operations, business relationships, and value chains. Investors also have the additional responsibility of using their leverage to ensure portfolio companies respect human rights. Severe risks to people and planet often result in material risks to business, including reputational harm, financial loss, operational disruptions, and legal liabilities.

The Investor Alliance seeks to raise awareness and understanding of the investor responsibility to respect human rights within the investment community. It does this by educating and building the capacity of its members to respect human rights, developing practical guidance and tools, and supporting investors in their efforts to embed human rights consideration throughout investment decision-making and stewardship. The Investor Alliance facilitates opportunities for investor-to-investor collaboration and liaises between investors and other stakeholders who can support investors in fulfilling their human rights responsibilities.

Investor Responsibility Staff Contacts

To learn more about our program, reach out to our staff:

Anita Dorett, Director, Investor Alliance for Human Rights

Anita mobilizes investor leverage to engage companies on human rights due diligence.



Rebecca DeWinter Schmitt, Associate Director, Investor Alliance for Human Rights

Rebecca connects institutional investors and their allies with the tools and strategies to promote human rights and responsible business conduct.



Anna Stefanovic, Program Associate, Investor Alliance for Human Rights

Anna provides research, engagement and program management support for the Investor Alliance’s many initiatives.



Aditi Rukhaiyar, Program Associate, Investor Alliance for Human Rights

Aditi provides research, engagement and program management support for the Investor Alliance’s many initiatives.

