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"For a company with a massive global workforce like Amazon, respect for the right of its employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining should be a baseline expectation,"
– Kevin Thomas of SHARE
“When workers aren’t given a seat at the table or respected as valuable corporate stakeholders, racial and economic disparities become more intractable and systemic which threatens everyone. By contrast, when worker dignity, safety, and voice are prioritized, everyone prospers."
– Nadira Narine, Sr. Program Director, Strategic Initiatives

ICCR’s Advancing Worker Justice (AWJ) program brings shareholder advocates and allied worker-led and focused organizations together to advance dignity and justice for all working people. We seek to activate our investments, strategic partnerships, and movement-building strategies to influence workplace practices, build worker power, and achieve meaningful gains for workers’ rights in the U.S. and Canada. We approach this work for justice with an intersectional lens, centering the voices and experiences of frontline and essential workers, working people of color, workers with disabilities, migrant workers, women, and LGBTQIA+ workers.

Current Initiatives:

Through a combination of dialogue and the filing shareholder resolutions, ICCR’s members are pressing companies to advance dignity and justice for all working people.

May 20, 2024
The 2024 Amazon Proposals Current Initiatives Advancing Worker Justice Climate Change and Environmental Justice Corporate Political Accountability Digital Rights and AI Accountability
January 23, 2024
Register Now: ICCR’s 2024 Proxy Resolutions & Voting Guide Webinar Current Initiatives Other Updates Advancing Worker Justice Climate Change and Environmental Justice Digital Rights and AI Accountability Equitable Global Supply Chains Health Equity Health Equity & Technology Human Rights Due Diligence Living Wage Shareholder Rights and SEC Policy
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December 14, 2021
The 2022 Amazon Proposals Blog Advancing Worker Justice Climate Change and Environmental Justice Climate Lobbying Digital Rights and AI Accountability Freedom of Association Paid Sick Leave Worker Health & Safety

Our Impact

How ICCR is achieving meaningful gains for workers’ rights in the U.S. and Canada.

52 %

Percent of shareholders voted in support of a Freedom of Association proposal at Starbucks

Up to 7 days

The amount of paid sick leave given to Norfolk Southern union workers, a first for major North American freight railroads

67.70 %

Percent of shareholders who voted in support of requesting an independent audit on worker health and safety at Dollar General

Advancing Worker Justice Staff Contacts

To learn more about our program, reach out to our staff:

Nadira Narine, Senior Director: Strategic Initiatives

Nadira Narine is primarily responsible for research and analysis, coordination and support of ICCR’s Advancing Worker Justice program area



Gina Falada, Associate Director: Advancing Worker Justice

Gina is responsible for building investor capacity to engage companies around key issues impacting frontline workers in the U.S. and Canada.



Advancing Worker Justice Resources

Publications, blogs, investor statements, comment letters, webinar recordings and press releases related to investor action on advancing worker justice.

ICCR’s 2024 Proxy Resolutions & Voting Guide

ICCR’s guiding principle is that sustainable corporations must look beyond the next earnings report to account for the full impact of their businesses on society and the environment, and must view the well-being of all of their stakeholders ― including their workers and the communities where they operate ― as integral to their long-term success. […]

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Investor Statement of Support for a Living Wage for U.S. Workers

On November 15, 2023, the undersigned investors, representing $4.5 trillion in assets under management and advisement, call on U.S. companies to take steps towards the payment of a living wage to direct and contract workers, in line with international human rights standards. Long-term investments in the workforce are good for business, helping companies attract and […]