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“Aggressive policy actions are needed to mitigate the systemic risks posed by the climate crisis to global economies and societies. Companies must ensure the corporate resources they use for direct and indirect lobbying are aligned with the Paris Agreement."
– ICCR Member Jeff Perkins of Friends Fiduciary
“The health, environmental and economic impacts of methane leaks are well-documented and substantial. Methane’s contribution to climate change and air pollution has significant health impacts for vulnerable people, particularly children and the elderly, among those whom we are most responsible to protect from harm.”
– ICCR Member Mary Minnette of Mercy Investment Services
“In order to avert the worsening impacts of the climate crisis, we must stop the expansion of fossil fuels. All major U.S. banks continue to finance billions of dollars for new coal, oil, and gas projects every year. Such financing undermines the banks’ net zero commitments and exposes investors to material risks."
– ICCR Member Dan Chu, Executive Director of the Sierra Club Foundation

Signs of accelerating global warming make it clear that controlling man-made GHG emissions must be a priority if we are to limit the most disastrous impacts of climate change. The longer we wait to control greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the more difficult and expensive our task will be, with devastating impacts on vulnerable communities.

ICCR’s Climate Crisis group works to identify climate challenges and opportunities facing the private sector. Investors collaborate to develop strategies to reduce corporate carbon footprints and accelerate an equitable and just transition to a green economy.

ICCR members seek to move companies in key industries to reduce their contributions to the greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for climate change. We do this by pressing companies for a phasing out of fossil fuels, and a phasing in of low-carbon, renewable energy sources. We also engage the oil & gas sector on the need for transition planning for a 2degree C or less world.

A just transition to a decarbonized economy can address the interconnected issues of climate change, racial injustice, public health, and economic inequity. Investors believe the transition must create an inclusive, stakeholder-driven economy, where those most impacted by the transition — workers and local communities — are central in its design.

Current Initiatives:

Through a combination of dialogue and the filing shareholder resolutions, ICCR’s members are pressing companies to phase out of fossil fuels, and transition to low-carbon, renewable energy sources.

May 20, 2024
The 2024 Amazon Proposals Current Initiatives Advancing Worker Justice Climate Change and Environmental Justice Corporate Political Accountability Digital Rights and AI Accountability
January 23, 2024
Register Now: ICCR’s 2024 Proxy Resolutions & Voting Guide Webinar Current Initiatives Other Updates Advancing Worker Justice Climate Change and Environmental Justice Digital Rights and AI Accountability Equitable Global Supply Chains Health Equity Health Equity & Technology Human Rights Due Diligence Living Wage Shareholder Rights and SEC Policy

Our Impact

Norfolk Southern left its “clean coal” trade group

Duke set a goal to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050

67 %

of 2022 Paris-aligned climate lobbying resolutions were withdrawn for agreement.

57 %

of 2022 resolutions calling for adoption of science-based GHG targets were withdrawn for agreement.

11 %

Climate-focused resolutions won majority votes in 2023

Climate Change & Environmental Justice Staff Contacts

To learn more about our program, reach out to our staff:

Christina Cobourn Herman: Senior Director, Climate Change & Environmental Justice

Christina is responsible for strategic development and evaluation of investor actions in the areas of climate change and environmental justice.



Tracey Rembert
Tracey Rembert: Associate Director, Climate Change & Environmental Justice

Tracey is the campaign manager for ICCR’s work on Paris-aligned corporate climate lobbying.


(212) 870-2299

Pedro Glatz: Associate Director, Climate Change & Environmental Justice

Pedro works primarily on the Just Transition Campaign and provides some additional support for Climate Lobbying.


(212) 870-2317

Emmy Hammond: Program Associate, Climate Change & Environmental Justice

Emmy provides support and conducts research for ICCR’s Methane, Just Transition, and Climate Lobbying campaigns.



Chris Pichardo: Program Associate, Climate Change & Environmental Justice

Chris provides support and conducts research for ICCR’s Climate Finance campaigns.

Climate Change & Environmental Justice Resources

Publications, blogs, investor statements, comment letters, webinar recordings and press releases related to investor action on climate change and environmental justice.


The Importance and Risks of Transition Minerals in Building a Just Transition

ICCR Climate Crisis Issue Brief One, June 2024 The transition to carbon-neutral economies will require a vast quantity of minerals. In essence, we must shift from a fossil fuel-intensive economy to one based on minerals, which are needed to harness and store the energy in natural systems. Due to their importance in new technologies, economic […]

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The Business Case for Addressing Environmental Justice

The Investor Environmental Health Network and Clean Action Production have released a report on the importance of corporations in addressing environmental justice. Environmental justice is an increasingly material issue for companies, and therefore an important issue for investors to track.

ICCR’s 2024 Proxy Resolutions & Voting Guide

ICCR’s guiding principle is that sustainable corporations must look beyond the next earnings report to account for the full impact of their businesses on society and the environment, and must view the well-being of all of their stakeholders ― including their workers and the communities where they operate ― as integral to their long-term success. […]

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ICCR Just Transition 2023 Roundtable Report

On January 18 and 19, 2023, ICCR hosted a Just Transition Roundtable to provide a forum for utility companies and a broad range of stakeholders to share their perspectives on a just and equitable energy transition. This report aims to document lessons learned through hosting the Roundtable as well as needs and recommendations shared by participants.

Leading Lobbying Practices to Drive 1.5C Policy Action

The need to reduce GHG emissions to limit warming and reach net zero by 2050 or sooner has never been more urgent yet climate progress has been hindered for decades by aggressive lobbying on the part of corporations (mainly in the oil & gas sector) and their trade associations. Because investors understand that corporate climate […]

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Banking on Climate Chaos

A report from the Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and others. Released in 2023

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Responsible Policy Engagement Analysis 2022

This CERES report examines the climate-related risk management, governance and lobbying practices of S&P 100 companies. It finds that the nation’s largest publicly traded companies are increasingly lobbying for policies that will help the U.S. achieve its commitments under the Paris Agreement. However, very few are publicly reckoning with the role of their own trade associations […]