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Leading Lobbying Practices to Drive 1.5C Policy Action

The need to reduce GHG emissions to limit warming and reach net zero by 2050 or sooner has never been more urgent yet climate progress has been hindered for decades by aggressive lobbying on the part of corporations (mainly in the oil & gas sector) and their trade associations. Because investors understand that corporate climate policy is a journey, not a destination, ICCR has developed new guidance “Leading Lobbying Practices to Drive 1.5°C Policy Action. "The authors researched the disclosures of over 70 companies across the globe (representing nine countries and over a dozen industries in total) looking for investor-friendly practices that drive company ambitions towards alignment with the Paris (climate) Agreement and a 1.5°C trajectory. We also looked for companies that fulfilled the 14 key indicators of the newly-launched Global Standard for Responsible Climate Lobbying, which became public in March 2022 after a two-year consultation involving investors, companies, and stakeholders from 19 countries in all. You can download your copy here.
