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Resolution Details


Bank of America Corp.



Issue Area:

Climate Change

Focus Area:

Paris-Aligned Climate Lobbying



Resolution Text

WHEREAS: Climate change poses a systemic risk, with estimated global GDP loss of 11-14% by midcentury under current trajectories.[1] The U.S. Financial Stability Oversight Council has identified climate change as an increasing threat to the financial system.[2] We believe lobbying and public policy action inconsistent with the Paris Agreement may present an increasingly pressing danger to companies.

We applaud Bank of America’s (BAC) commitment to achieving net zero by 2050. BAC acknowledged achieving its net zero goal requires collective action, including by policymakers, and described itself as “supportive of policies that will help accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy… Independently, and working with trade associations and other collaborations, [we] advocate for more urgent action on climate change by the public and private sectors and promote policies that align with the role played by banks in helping to finance the transition to net zero.”[3] 

However, BAC risks reputational damage[4] and may foster potential systemic risk by funding organizations lobbying against climate legislation – contradicting its own public statements and possibly undermining achievement of its net zero goal. BAC is a member of industry associations opposing critical climate change policies, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, and the Bank Policy Institute.[5] 

BAC’s current disclosures do not adequately inform investors if or how BAC ensures its direct and indirect lobbying activities align with its net zero goal and the Paris Agreement. BAC “continually evaluate[s] the overall benefit of our continued memberships”[6] and has engaged with the Chamber of Commerce via membership in its Climate Solutions Working Group, but this does not represent a comprehensive, public review of BAC’s memberships and policy positions, including how BAC addresses misalignment with its net zero goal and the Paris Agreement, clear lines of governance oversight, or an escalation plan for non-alignment. 

RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that BAC’s Board of Directors analyze and report to shareholders annually (at reasonable cost, omitting confidential and proprietary information) on whether and how it is aligning its lobbying and policy influence activities and positions, both direct and indirect (through trade associations, coalitions, alliances, and other organizations) with its public commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, including the climate policy activities and positions analyzed, the criteria used to assess alignment, and the involvement of stakeholders, if any, in the analytical process.

SUPPORTING STATEMENT: In evaluating the degree of alignment between its net zero goals and its policy advocacy, which we believe good governance calls for, BAC should disclose its lobbying actions regarding climate provisions of key international, federal and state legislation and regulation, and not rely on organizational statements supporting climate progress. BAC should consider investor expectations in Global Standard on Responsible Climate Lobbying[7] a useful implementation resource. 







[7] https:/ /